Hello everybody this is my DS-Homebrew site! (Go directly to the Ludlib examples / download section->)
Well, I'm not a webdesigner so the site is axed on readibility eh.
My Game : Néfer !
I'v started to program my DSLite with DevkitPro and MSVC and here is my little game I'm writing;
Its basically the very early beginning of a hack'n slash. The graphics for the main character was "found" on
the internet, the rest is either "programmer graphics" or ripped from old games I wrote a couple of
years ago (bet nobody will ever find out which ones^^) and the occasionally Diablo-rip that will change soon.
(download the .nds Here)
BTW there is a "new" version (say the august 2006 version^^) with loot and an incomplete backpack / equipment system.
Name changed too, it's Néfer now :)
(Start game with 'A', move around and hit with 'A' too, if you die, relaunch with 'A', and yes there
are other (new) buttons:
B: toggle Backpack
X: pick up loot (sort of coffins)
Y: toggle Equipment screen
If both Equipment screen and Backpack is open, click on an object to equip it.
If only the backpack is open, click object to drop it.
I'v got a nasty bug with the stylus, so the icons to toggle backpack & equipmentscreen is desactivated.
Well thats it for today :)
/Valmond (aka Ludvig Larsson)